A portfolio of completed and ongoing

Teckterra Eco Homes

Ambleside West Vancouver

A new-build residence designed with sustainability and technology at the forefront from day one.

This luxury Step 4 home uses the latest in construction technology to create a future ready smart home with 35% reduced operating costs and state-of-the-art living spaces for a Silicon Valley Entrepreneur's family.

Point Grey Vancouver

A Mid-Century Modern residence, updated for the 21st Century.

This beautiful property in the heart of Point Grey is a shining example of the West Coast Modern architectural movement. We've updated it with completely new building envelope, heating and cooling systems that give it the equivalent thermal and efficiency performance of a brand new 21st century home.

Cedardale West Vancouver

A turn-of-the-century residence brought into the tech-age.

This sprawling residence in the quiet streets of Cedardale was built before the era of the smart home. Fully retrofitted by Teckterra with the latest Security Systems, HVAC, Entertainment Tech and Servers, all monitored and controlled from anywhere in the world on the homeowners' devices.

Coal Harbour Vancouver

A waterfront condo turned into a movie-lovers dream.

This Coal Harbour condo contained little built in entertainment technology. Teckterra converted its living space into a state-of-the-art movie theatre which blends seamlessly into the constrained space when not in use. Fully integrated with the apartment's lighting systems and controlled from wall-mounted tablets around the property.

Ready to do something?

Proin a ullamcorper elit, et sagittis turpis integer ut fermentum.