Yesterday’s Tech Can’t Build
Tomorrow’s Home

At Teckterra, we deliver some of Canada’s finest Future-Ready Residences, because we’re experts in tomorrow’s home building technology.

The Result? A home that saves you money, and is ready for anything the 21st century throws at it.

Efficient. Sustainable. Effortless.

Every part of your Teckterra home is designed with efficiency in mind.

From the building envelope and window design to material specification, every component contributes towards a home that unrivalled in efficiency.

A Teckterra home is cheap to run, requires little maintenance, and has a minimal impact on the environment throughout it’s entire lifetime.

Technology You Can
Live With

It’s not a Techterra home without the latest living technology deeply integrated into every facet of the home.

We pride ourselves on seamlessly blending the physical spaces of your home with non-intrusive technology that makes a difference to how you live.

This means no technology for technology’s sake, but meaningful technology which enriches how you live in your Future-Ready Residence.

Your Home
As A System

Every component of a Teckterra home works as one to deliver a single goal - the most sustainable, high tech home possible.

This means every system in your home, from home monitoring to HVAC works together as one unit to keep your home performing optimally.

The result, a home that constantly monitors every aspect of itself to maintain peak performance and minimum cost to you.

Three key pillars that are the backbone of every Future-Ready Residence we deliver.

Find out what The Teckterra Difference can do for you.

Ready to do something?

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